Self Care of Diabetes Inventory - Patient Version
Primary Contact:
Davide Ausili, PhD, RN
Assistant Professor
Università degliStudi di Milano –Bicocca,
Via Cadore 48, Monza –Italy
Phone: +390264488032
The Self-care of Diabetes Inventory (SCODI or “Scotty”) was developed by a team in Italy based on the Self-care of Chronic Illness theory. They developed 40 SCODI items (5 points Likert type) based on clinical recommendations and grouped them into 4 dimensions: self-care maintenance, self-care monitoring, self-care management and self-care confidence based on the theory. Content validity was assessed by a multidisciplinary panel of experts. They then conducted a multi-centre study of adults with type 1 or type 2 diabetes. In those analyses (currently under review), reliability and validity were demonstrated. Content validity ratio was 100%. The inventory structure was multidimensional with 4 scales, all of which were reliable: Multidimensional model-based reliabilities were between 0.81 (maintenance) and 0.89 (confidence). Significant associations were found between self-care and the outcomes of HbA1c and complications of diabetes. We advocate the SCODI is a valid and reliable theoretically-grounded tool to measure self-care in type 1 and type 2 DM patients.
The following is the algorithm used for scoring the SCODI:
Standardized Self-Care Maintenance Score = ((Raw Maintenance Total)-12)*(100/48)
Standardized Self-Care Monitoring Score = ((Raw Monitoring Total)-6)*(100/34)
Standardized Self-Care Efficacy Score = ((Raw Efficacy Total)-11)*(100/44)
Standardized Self-Care Management Score
if insulin=0, then ((Raw Self-Care Management)-8)*(100/32)
if insulin=1, then ((Raw Self-Care Management)-9)*(100/36)
if insulin=0 then do;
In general, to standardize a scale score, 1) determine the maximum possible scale score, 2) subtract the number of items from the possible score, and 3) divide 100 by that result to identify a constant for that scale. To score the scale, sum item responses, subtract the number of items answered, and multiply by the constant.